Office Address

278 Doug Warpoole Rd. #301A Smyrna, TN 37167

Phone Number

(615) 984-4261

Email Address

[email protected]

Auto Transport

Frequently Asked Questions

Notify us as soon as possible. The sooner you notify us the smoother and easier it will be for us to accommodate your needs. We generally request 7 to 10 days advance notice of your shipping dates; however, if you have a special situation, we can usually make necessary arrangements with just 24 hours notice. Please call (615) 984-4261 and we will do our best to accommodate your schedule.

From the time we accept your order, our normal delivery times are between 2 to 14 days. However, this can be impacted by distance, weather, time of year, mechanical problems, and general travel delays. To make this process as easy as possible for you, we provide online tracking updates about the vehicle transport.

In the rare event that any damage would occur to your vehicle, we recommend that you immediately contact your personal automobile insurance company. While Avant Garde Auto Logistics has an outstanding record of safety and customer satisfaction and makes every effort to transport your vehicle and care for it in the same manner you would, in the rare event something unforeseen would happen, we carry cargo insurance on your vehicle.

No. While it may sound like a good idea, federal and state Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations prohibit this. Neither Avant Garde Auto Logistics Services, nor our insurers will be responsible for personal items in your vehicle. Should you pack personal belongings in your vehicle, you waive responsibility for damage caused by breaking.

Yes, all vehicle transportation carriers are required to be licensed by the Department of Transportation of the United States Government. Our Certificate is held under NO. MC-382853-P.

Generally yes, and we think you will also agree it is a good idea. If for some reason this is not possible, please make prior arrangements with us by providing the name of a designated individual that can legally act for you during the pickup and delivery inspections and who is authorized to sign the bill of lading on your behalf. (See Terminal Service below for additional options).

We will accept cashiers checks, cash, Visa and MasterCard. The easiest and most convenient method is to request your transportation quote online. We will send a quote to your email. Just click the link in your email quote to complete the order and make payment online by a secure online credit card transaction.

The cost is based upon the type, size and distance the vehicle will travel. We provide an easy online method for you to receive an email quote.

Request Your Free Quote so you can complete the process.

Where will my vehicle be picked up and delivered?

We will make every effort to make pick up of your vehicle either at or close to your residence as possible AND as convenient as possible. If we are not able to access your residence due to typically large size of our trucks, inability to maneuver on some streets due to size limitation, low access limits, wires, local ordinances, etc, we will arrange to meet you at an acceptable location such as a supermarket, shopping center, or other large parking area.

This service can be used at either the origin or destination (or both). Terminal service may be more convenient for you if your schedule does not permit you to be present at pick-up and/or delivery. When using Terminal pick-up and/or delivery service, we make every effort to locate a terminal close to your home or business.

If you have any unanswered questions

Please contact us or call
(615) 984-4261

Let the knowledgeable professionals at Avant Garde Auto Logistics ship your vehicle where you want it to go.

Let’s Request a Schedule For
Free Quote